GRIB Jaya Bandung Regency Holds Social Service to Clean Rivers, Welcome Ramadhan with a Clean

GRIB Jaya Bandung Regency Holds Social Service to Clean Rivers, Welcome Ramadhan with a Clean || Environment Bandung Regency – Welcoming the holy month of Ramadhan, the Clean Indonesian People’s Movement (GRIB) Jaya DPC Bandung Regency held an extraordinary social service action. On Sunday, February 23 2025.

hundreds of volunteers from GRIB Jaya, assisted by local residents, security forces (Pameungpeuk Police and Koramil), Environmental Institute (LH), Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), UPT, and the Bandung Regency Social Service, worked together to clean the Flodway Cisangkuy river in Sector 21 Sub 5, Bojongkunci Village, Pameungpeuk District.

This clean-up action is not just about cleaning up rubbish and materials that clog river flows, but is also a real effort to support the Citarum Harum program and prevent potential flooding in the rainy season.

Chairman of DPC GRIB Jaya Bandung Regency, Asep Sancang Berlin, explained that this activity is part of the organization’s commitment to maintaining a clean environment and will be carried out regularly every month. Furthermore, Asep announced a series of other social activities that will be carried out on March 3 2025, namely compensation for 120 orphans, joint prayer, distribution of 1000 portions of takjil to the general public on Jalan Raya Kopo, and breaking fast together with orphans. “He emphasized GRIB Jaya’s independence in funding social activities without asking for help from other parties,” he said.

Chairperson of Srikandi GRIB Jaya DPC Bandung Regency, Linda Sukmawati, added that this activity also aims to strengthen relationships and ward off negative views towards community organizations. Srikandi GRIB Jaya is committed to actively participating in maintaining environmental cleanliness as part of the faith,” said Linda.

High appreciation came from various parties. Head of Pameungpeuk Subdistrict, Agus Hindar Ruswanto, praised the initiative and implementation of this social service as a real manifestation of concern for the environment and community welfare. He emphasized the importance of synergy and togetherness in keeping rivers clean, especially during the rainy season.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bandung Regency Social Service for Disaster Management, Jajang, expressed full support for this activity which is in line with government programs. “He also appreciated the role of the Disaster Preparedness Cadet Volunteers (TAGANA) in this activity,” said Jajang.

This GRIB Jaya social service activity not only cleans the river, but also instills the values ​​of environmental concern and togetherness in the community. Hopefully this activity will inspire more parties to take part in maintaining the cleanliness and preservation of the environment in Bandung Regency.

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